Our Vision and Mission
jive daya nama runi vaisnava sevana,iha chara dharma nahi suna sanatana“
Hear, Sanatana! Kindness to all living beings, taste for the holy name,
and service to Vainavas—apart from these there is no other religion.”
(Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions to Sanatana Goswami)
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Our Community Rules
1. Be Kind and Respectful
Treat everyone with respect. It's okay to disagree, but always be kind.
2. No Hate or Bullying
Everyone should feel safe. Bullying or hateful comments about race, religion, culture, or identity are not allowed.
3. No Spam or Promotions
Don’t post self-promotion, spam, or irrelevant links.
4. Respect Privacy
Keep what’s shared in the group private. Trust and respect are key.
5. Value Added Posts
Don't post simple greetings or pictures without sharing your realizations, a verse or an except from Srila Prabhupada related to the picture.